Saffron of Kashmir is known as the best variety of saffron for its silky and smooth threads that set forth a distinct aroma and flavour. With drought and rising temperature, the production of saffron in Pampore has lost 65% of its usual yield. Due to which gardenia flower, safflower, corn silk or tissue paper is used to make imitation saffron and pushed into the supply chain.
Neo Sanjivani Kashmiri Mongra Saffron is ISO 3632 certified and from the fields of the Pampore. The stigmas are 100% fresh and pure, and it contains only the red stigmas of the saffron flower. As per the saffron grading standard set by ISO, our saffron passes the requirement for grade A and does not have any preservatives, additives, synthetic pesticides or food colouring.
Benefits of Afghani Saffron

Better memory
Kashmiri Saffron enhances your brain functions and reduces oxidative stress due to its high antioxidant and free radical reducing properties.

Healthy Heart
Kashmiri saffron is rich in thiamin and riboflavin. It strengthens the circulatory system and helps reduce the risk of heart disease.

Relieve Stress
Saffron gives you a calming effect as it has antidepressant properties as it contains crocin, crocetin, safranal, and kaempferol that protects your brain cells against damage.

Helps during Pregnancy
Saffron makes things easy during pregnancy by reducing mood swings, managing blood pressure. It induces labour, stimulates uterine contractions, and helps the entire process.

Saffron Milk
Take 4-5 threads in warm milk, consume it before bed with a tablespoon of honey for sweetness. It helps induce sleep, regulate blood pressure, and decreases morning sickness.

Saffron Face Mask
Prepare by mixing saffron strands with raw milk and lemon juice. Apply it to your skin for at least 15 min using circular motions. It helps get rid of skin tan and retains the natural skin glow.
Pure saffron is validated using four attributes. Those are taste, smell, physical appearance and price. It never tastes sweet, has a slightly bitter/ acidic taste when placed on the tongue. Real saffron smells like a mixture of hay, honey, tobacco and Vanilla. The strands have a unique trumpet shape and don’t lose their original colour when placed in water. It takes 150 flowers to make just 1 gram of saffron, therefore expensive.
Hyperpigmentation is due to excess melanin secretion. Saffron contains crocin that can decrease melanin. Crocin in saffron works by suppressing tyrosinase, an enzyme that’s essential for melanin production.
Saffron or Kesar is vital for both men and women with low desires. Surprisingly, it improves intimate functions and drive, reduces intimate pain and lubrication.
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